Soil Amendment

NO chemicals EVER touch our fruits and veggies. In my opinion, what's the point of growing them if you're going to add harmful chemicals to them. However, its hard to go through all the effort of growing anything to learn your soil is missing a nutrient your plant needed. So we choose to add all-natural, organic soil amendments.

The THREE MAIN nutrients plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Each plant has a different requirement of how much nutrients it needs. Here's a good rule of thumb to simplify things. Nitrogen for leaves, phosphorus for roots, and potassium to help these nutrients absorb.

Here's what we use to add these nutrients to our plants:

- Organic blood meal for nitrogen

- Organic bone meal for phosphorus

- Organic bananas for potassium

If I'm growing carrots, a root plant, I'll add more bone meal to the soil. If I'm growing collards, I'll add more blood meal. I never really measure, kind of like my cooking, I just add based on feeling and past years experience. 

If I'm starting a new raised bed, I will add 3 ingredients initially then amend it with whichever nutrient is needed for the plants I plan to grow in the bed.:

- 1 part Black Cow Manure for compost

- 1 part Peat Moss for moisture retention

- 1 part Organic Soil

Mix all three together.